The primary mission of HVAC Service Experts and Comfort Consultants is to maximize and sustain your home comfort. Both investigate, identify and solve home comfort issues. The main difference between them is their approach.
HVAC Comfort Consultants help you identify the best comfort systems for your home. They help you decide what to buy and custom design your system(s) based on your needs, budget and the characteristics of your unique home. The consultant will work with the installation team to ensure the system meets the specifications of the signed agreement. They are also a great resource for information on system accessories to help you save energy and add comfort. A Comfort Consultant cannot diagnose issues with, work on or implement repairs on your system.
HVAC Service Experts help you maintain your home comfort system, maximize its efficiency, prevent costly repairs and prolong its life. They are trained to identify (diagnose) system issues when they do arise, then recommend and implement repairs. They are also a great resource for information on system accessories to help you save energy and add comfort.