Mass Save Heat Loan Program

Did you know you can get up to a $25,000 Interest-Free, 7 Year Loan to replace your heating and/or air conditioning system?  If you are a Massachusetts resident, you can apply for this loan through the Mass Save program.  And, yes, it is a 0% loan equivalent to $297/month. Remember how cold it was this past winter?  If you have an old clunky system, a new system will pay itself off in no time!  You can take up to seven years to repay.

Here is how it works:

  1. Call 800-527-7283 or go to to schedule an In-Home Energy Audit.
  2. A Mass Save representative will conduct an Energy Audit and identify improvements that are eligible for financing. The auditor will leave behind an information package, containing a heat loan intake form.
  3. Schedule Nashoba Air & BoilerWorks to visit your home and provide a heating and/or air conditioning replacement proposal.
  4. Send the Nashoba Air proposal and the heat loan intake form from to Mass Save for final approval.
  5. Finalize the loan with a participating lender.

What types of improvements are eligible under the Mass Heat Loan? 

Despite the term “Heat” Loan, you can use this loan for many other efficiency improvements in your home, such as:

  • Attic, Wall, and Basement Insulation
  • High Efficiency Heating Systems
  • Central Air Conditioning/ Air Source Heat Pumps
  • Ductless Mini Split Heat Pumps
  • High Efficiency Domestic Hot Water Systems
  • Solar Hot Water Systems
  • 7-Day Digital & Wi Fi Thermostats
  • ENERGY STAR® Qualified Replacement Windows

In addition to the 0% Loan, many of these energy efficiency improvements are eligible for utility rebates.  Call us today and we will gladly walk you through the process and make sure you are taking full advantage of every available program in your town.

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